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What are the effects of drugs on the human body?

1. Physical dependence

A strong dependence caused by repeated medication. Physical dependence: The drug acts on the human body, making the human body adapt to changes and forming a new equilibrium state under the action of the drug. Once the drug is stopped, the physiological function will be disturbed, and a series of severe reactions, called withdrawal reactions, will occur, which make people feel very painful. In order to avoid withdrawal reactions, drug users must take regular drugs and continuously increase the dose, so that drug addicts cannot live without drugs all day long.

2. Mental dependence

After the drug enters the human body, it acts on the human nervous system, create a strong desire for drug use in drug addicts, and drive drug addicts to desperately seek and use drugs. Once mental dependence occurs, even after detoxification treatment, it often takes months or even years to make a complete recovery from the original physiology after the withdrawal response is basically controlled in the acute phase. More seriously, the dependence on drugs is difficult to eliminate.This is the reason why many drug users take drugs again and again, and it is also a subject yet to be solved in the world medicine and pharmaceutical circles.

3. The mechanism by which drugs harm the human body

The most popular and most harmful drug in China is heroin, which belongs to the opioid. There are endogenous opioid peptides and opioid receptors in the normal human brain and some organs in the body. Under normal circumstances, endogenous opioid peptides act on opioid receptors and regulate people's mood and behavior. After taking heroin, it inhibits the production of endogenous opioid peptides, and gradually forms a balanced state under the action of heroin. Once stopped, anxiety, cold and hot, goosebumps, tears, runny nose, sweating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. will occur. The pain of this withdrawal reaction, in turn, prompts drug addicts to do everything possible to maintain a drug use state in order to avoid this pain. Meth and ecstasy are central stimulants in terms of pharmacological effects, destroying people’s nerve center.

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