Like other manufacturers, the Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit has its own shelf life, usually about 18 months. In addition, the Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit should be stored at room temperature for a certain period of time, and should be used in an orderly manner at room temperature of 10~30°C.
How long is the Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit valid for?

The Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit is a popular test product recently. It is more convenient to use. Many people will use the Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit.
1. The drug administration version of the new crown antigen detection reagent is valid for 6 months.
2. The EU CE version of the new crown antigen detection reagent is valid for 24 months.
Almost every product has an expiration date. Even if the Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit is a new coronavirus detection tool, it is not a food.
If the expiration date is exceeded, the test results are generally invalid. For this reason, if you need to use the new crown antigen detection reagent to determine whether you are infected with the new coronavirus, you can use the Easyweet COVID-19 Test Kit to help you accurately determine whether you are infected with the new coronavirus at an early stage.
Where should the Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit be stored
The Easysweet COVID-19 Test Kit generally needs to be stored at room temperature, so that it can be stored for a longer time. In addition, the use of the new crown antigen self-test kit must confirm the surrounding testing environment, and conduct the test in an orderly manner under normal temperature conditions of 10~30 °C. Too cold, overheated or excessively humid environment will lead to abnormal test results.
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